Let's Pink Up the Pieces!
(Pinking Positively)
a virtual art mini-show
PRESENTED IN THREE WAVES: 8 February, 8 March, & 8 April 2022
curated by diskurso Curation
PINK up the pieces? Pink positively? What do we mean, please?
Let's Pink Up the Pieces! (Pinking Positively) is a concept for a 2022 pre-general-election group show on the pages of diskurso art magazine, dedicated to the color pink. It is also a show concept dedicated to things positive (or to positive messages accompanying negative critiques whenever present).
But, again, why pink? Well, others in the present did assign themselves the role of presenter of all things red or black from either the past, the recent past or the present (as well as the foreseeable future). Our Let's Pink Up the Pieces! group assigned themselves another equally important role, that of being presenters of positivity through that inarguably lighter color, pink.
But why, indeed, pink? Why not pale yellow? You could say the show also aims, as per the times, to reference the Leni Robredo pink movement, or perhaps ironically what may have seemed as Bongbong Marcos' favorite dress shirt color. Or even the pinkos (socialists) in our midst who survived the past and present red-baiting years. Or, being in an election year, is it here to solicit politeness or sensitivity towards each other in what we hope would be a new era of post-toxicity? Or is it to campaign for sweetness amidst everybody's ongoing harshness on the Internet? Or, in the wake of a receding macho government, to scream for the feminine in each and everyone of us, even to take pride in things feminine as well as female instead of being apologetic about their visibility in society? Pink, however, has almost always been worn without regard to gender, thus already feminist by itself (the Nazis aside).
Now, many would aver that the recent and past have been dark. But should that be the case, or not, we still must not lose sight of any impending hope, instead continue to pray for rosy (or rosier) times. After all, didn't Cimabue and Duccio give us that common habit of theirs of dressing the Christ child in pink, at the same time that Raphael let this same child hold a pink flower?
We can go on and on about the history of pink. But be assured that this show is not aiming to be political, at least not overtly (not overtly, in cognizance of the semiotic principle that says we cannot escape the politics in anything, however much we wish to). Or, perhaps it is very much overtly political. For perhaps it is raising a middle finger to the Nazis' limiting usage of the color merely for a ludicrous and despicable pink triangle. A show against rightism, then, should that be the common preferred reading here.
For inquiries, email:
FIRST WAVE: 8 February

Don Miguel, Pinklawan, 2022, oil on canvas, 24" x 24"
DM: "Mud on yellow, spite on hue, outrage over sunshine, a pallette gone murky. Six years of poison on our visual spectrum is blinding madness. The narrative that yellow is not part of the rainbow of a working democracy is a fallacy.
"I get an urge, a need, an obligation actually to squeeze oils to show gradations of hope. Murdering yellow had apathy as an accomplice. It now exists only as its downside of cowardice and depression and paling.
"I read an article before about a behavioral experiment wherein patients experiencing anxiety attacks responded best when assigned to stay in a pink room better than with any other color. Hence we cannot consider pink as a mere alternative or replacement. It has therapeutic properties. It is a sort of protection. We can consider it a cure. It is Hope."

Raul Agner, Grasshoppink, 2022, pen & ink and color pencils on paper, 13¾" x 11¾"
RA: "There comes a time when a great opportunity for change presents itself. Like the grasshopper that we used to catch as a childhood plaything as soon as it was spotted in the patchwork of grass, twigs and leaves, this opportunity has to be grabbed pronto before we lose it. The 'grasshoppink' I'm referring to may be a person, an idea, a blueprint or a combination of all these, which we can pin our hopes on and rally behind for a state of things better than the present."
Alwin Reamillo, Philippine Sun Capiz Lantern (04/Pink-LED), 2021, capiz shells, wires, and LED bulb with white/light-pink/pink alternating modes, 30.3" x 30.3" x 5.9"


Romeo Lee, Lee Ni (This Is Lee), 2021 project series of individual images on pink t-shirts, fabric acrylic on pink-dyed t-shirts, varying dimensions

Buds Convocar, Terra Incognita, 2021, acrylic on canvas, 36" x 24"

Jojo Soria de Veyra, Infanta Margarita Teresa in Pink Gym Wear, 2022, acrylic on canvas, 23¼" x 19 ½"
To know more about the painting, read here.

Raul Agner, Fly the coop, 2022, acrylic on canvas, 16" x 14"
RA: "Flying the coop (which can be punned as 'flying the coup' in reference to my personal take on perennial bad governance as a kind of coup d'etat) is easier said than done. It has to be a team act led by credible leaders, hardworking advocates and tireless inspirers people can fully trust for a fresh start."

Alwin Reamillo, jpr /pink kisses (from the artist's untitled match series), 2022, mixed media + collage on wooden box, 9" x 6.2" x 1.9"

Angelo Valmoria Roxas, LENI, 2022, oil on canvas, 36" x 24"

Juliet Lea, God and My Right (postcard from the Logo Series installation), 2002, photograph print on cardboard, 5.7" x 4.1"

Raul Agner, An Limbahun nga Panagang (The Pink Talisman), 2022, acrylic on canvas, 16" x 14"
RA: "If the trusted supernatural power of cryptic orasyon text and symbols can help long knives face the colonizers' superior weapons, words about leadership qualities can likewise help tackle unresolved and recurring systemic irregularities. There are parallel weapons and parallel adversaries; there are parallel issues and parallel realities. Today's advocates of positivity are similar to the millenarian Leyte/Samar Pulahan of yesterday. My work is about reinterpreting a Pulahan talisman. It is not (really a talisman, but then again is one in the sense that) art is a talisman that can embolden."

Ian Victoriano, Figure and Ribbons, 2022, acrylic on canvas, 18" x 18"

Jason Dy SJ, six from the Enliven/Arrange Document Series, 2020-present, each card measuring 11" x 8.5"

Don Miguel, Unpretty, 2019-2022, acrylic on canvas, 48" x 60"
DM: "'Unpretty' is the closest thing in mind to being upbeat after getting RAVAGED and RAPED. Can we really bask in the sun after 6 years of tyranny?
"Must we hide in the guise of a pretentious victory over a madman without holding him accountable? Must we lose our moral identity more in the continuing diaspora of the persecuted people wanting? I shall set aside any jubilation for now."

Racquel D. Cruz, Blossoms (octaptych), 2016, oil on canvas, each panel 18" x 15"
Jojo Soria de Veyra, Variation on Alfonso Cuarón's Shot of Sandra Bullock's Ass (Rated Mercury 13), 2022, acrylic on canvas, 23 ¼" x 19 ½" [click on painting for more info]

Ningnong Acedera, Pink Caravan #2, 2022, oil and acrylic on canvas, 12" x 12"

Raul Agner, Pink Outside the Box, 2022, pen & ink on paper, 11¾" x 16½"
RA: "Transformation and progress happen when those who go against the grain explore and discover new ways of thinking and doing, leaving those who cling (with amor seco tenacity or flat-earther stubbornness) to what's obsolete trapped in the maze of their firmly held beliefs."
Jojo Soria de Veyra. Liwanag-sa-Dilim Electric Fan (Light-in-the-Darkness Electric Fan). 2022. Found lamppost lantern enclosure, found electric fan stand, rubber furniture foot pad, spray paint, pink LED strip light, iron wire, and oil. Varying dimensions.
This piece is also physically on display concurrently at the Art in the Lake: Tawag ng Liwanag art festival at Eskinita Art Farm from 10 April to 17 May.
[Click on photo for details.]

Don Miguel, Icon of Democracy, 2022, collage, 12" x 8"

Jeho Bitancor, Tungo sa Liwanag (Towards the Light), 2021, oil on canvas, 48" x 60"

Cesar Aljama, Kulay Rosas ang Bukas, 2022, digital art, 10.4" x 8.3"

Mario Canay Uy, Our Lady in Pink (Our Lady of Piat), 2022, gouache and acrylic on board, 18.5" x 14.5"