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diskurso art magazine's
June 2021 Print, Outdoor and Digital Ads of the Month

Published July 7, 2021


McDonald's Austria's Happy Brainfood promotional merchandise program (sales promo's ad below) created by DDB Wien, Vienna, Austria.
    The promo's press release states: "For every Happy Meal, there is a book for children as an alternative to the classic Happy Meal toys. In this respect, McDonald's is one of the largest retailers of children's books in Austria."



IndianOil's Stop Honking outdoor ad series created by Grey Group, Mumbai, India.


Burger King Brazil's #BKParade outdoor ad campaign (sample materials below) created by DAVID SP, Brazil.


TBWA Dublin's End the MSM Blood Ban in Ireland cause-marketing content marketing ad series.
    The series' press release states: "For World Blood Donor Day on June 14th, TBWA Dublin took a stance against the severe restrictions on men who have sex with men (MSM) donating blood in Ireland.
    "Ireland was the first country in the world to legalise same-sex marriage by popular vote, yet it is one of the last progressive countries to have a year long deferral period on MSM donating blood.
    "It’s time for change."



The print ad for Detran-RN's The virus kills. High speed driving, too. integrated marketing campaign created with Executiva Propaganda, Natal/RN, Brazil.


Kit Kat's Get Your Break Back print ad series created by Independent Ones, Peru.


Pride@Tech's Retold with Pride cause marketing project (the project's digital posters below) created with Propel Manila, Philippines.
    The project's press release states: "To celebrate Pride 2021, we reimagined the world’s most iconic classics, with Pride. Introducing RETOLD WITH PRIDE. Stories like Pride and No Prejudice, Dragula, The Gay Gatsby, Life of Bi, Little Women Loving Women, including local classics like Ibong Adana, Florante at Awra, Si Malakas at si Makisig, reimagined and retold with proper LGBTQ+ representation. These stories were performed at the live reading on June 26, starring popular LGBTQ+ artists, educators, activists, poets, and creators."



Unimed Curitiba's Dangerous print public service announcement series (two of the series' ads below) created with Bronx Comunicação, Curitiba, Brazil.
Caption translation: "Some drinks are more dangerous than they look. Take care."
Caption translation: "Some foods are more dangerous than they look. Take care."


Lovespace's It's okay outdoor ad series created with Patsany Agency, Kyiv, Ukraine.
    The series' press release states: "'It's okay' is a new campaign from the space of sexual knowledge and goods Lovespace, which details the topic of sex and sexual fantasies. The campaign says that in society, sex is presented as a very intimate affair, which is not worth talking about once again, but even think. Because of this pressure, sexual fantasies are perceived as something vulgar and dirty, something to be ashamed of. Each photo visualizes how different sexual fantasies can be and that each of them is normal. Patsany selected a shortlist of the best photos and developed a key message for each so that the Lovespace team could use the entire series of posters on social media.
    "Our goal was to develop a beautiful, non-vulgar and at the same time socially important communication that would draw attention to the problem. 'To wish is ok' 'To share what you want is ok' 'To experiment together is ok' 'To try together is ok.'"



De Standaard's "Love is love" print ad created by De Standaard and Lucy, Brussels, Belgium.
    De Standaard's press release states: "After introducing a controversial law that further restricts the freedoms of the LGBTQI community in Hungary, Viktor Orbán - the Hungarian Prime Minister - attempted to buy media space in the European press. But instead of publishing his Eurosceptic ad, we addressed one to him.
    "'Love will not let itself be dictated anymore. The law will no longer define it. We still have freedom of the press, and we will use it.' - Karel Verhoeven, editor-in-chief at De Standaard."


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