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diskurso art magazine's
July 2021 Print, Outdoor and Digital Campaigns of the Month

Published August 2, 2021


Space Jam: A New Legacy's What's up dunker? experiential marketing outdoor campaign (the project's "basket board" implementations seen below) created with We Are Social, France.
    The campaign's press release explains: "To celebrate the release of the movie Space Jam: A New Legacy, Warner Bros. and We Are Social in France are transforming traditional billboard spaces into real basketball baskets in the street and outside cinemas.
    "'What's up dunker?', asks the poster, featuring the Looney Toons and LeBron James – turning the billboard into a real basketball court integrated into its urban environment."



Two outdoor ads (see below) from Urent, Citymobil and Whoosh's E-scooter Code of Ethics outdoor ad series created by Urent, Citymobil and Whoosh, Russia.


Volkswagen's Hello Confidence outdoor ad series created with DDB, Sydney, Australia.
    The campaign's press release states: "Whether it be parallel parking, merging on a four-lane highway, a giant roundabout, or distracted pedestrians, research showed that 79% of all road users had some kind of driving anxiety. So, to launch the new Volkswagen Tiguan and its range of new safety features, DDB created a suite of tongue-in-cheek horror film posters dramatising the fears and how the Tiguan’s tech can solve for them. Helping us say ‘goodbye road fears' and ‘hello confidence’."



The print/digital ad for Flutwein's #Flutwein integrated marketing ad campaign created with Seven.One Ad.Factory, Unterföhring, Germany.
    The ad campaign's press release explains:
    "In July 2021 terrible floods destroyed the 'Ahr' valley. More than 130 people died. People around Germany and the world looked at a region that was known among connoisseurs for its good wines. The wineries were in ruins, but a few bottles of their best wines were saved from the floodings. Marked by the mud - the memory of a night of horror - they were the origin of a new solidary brand: #Flutwein (Flood Wine).
    "The campaign stages the muddy bottles and captures their memories for eternity. The bottles are distributed via crowdfunding and generated over 800,000€ in donations in less than 5 days. Bottles of the limited first edition (1000) pieces are sold for up to 500€. When thinking of Ahrweiler people were talking about the floods. But only one week later, Germany is talking about the floodwine from the Ahr valley - the wine for which hardly anyone knew the region before.
    "And the story is far from over."


Caption translation: Flutwein = Flood Wine. Headline reads: "Our worst vintage", refering to the floodings that destroyed the area. Subhead reads: "For rebuilding the wine region Ahrweiler"


Rubies in the Rubble's "Gooder" outdoor ad (two variations below) created with Hell Yeah!, UK.
    The ad series' press release explains:
    "The ‘Goodism’ platform centres on the idea of being a ‘do-gooder’, and emphasises that in the spirit of environmentalism and conscious consumerism, the once insulting term has become a ‘good’ thing. The creative makes the point that ketchup is good - but ketchup made from waste fruit and vegetables is even ‘gooder’."



KFC Costa Rica's The Annexation Buckets promotional merchandise and cause marketing project (print materials below) created with Havas Costa Rica.
    The project's press release explains:
    "Nearly 200 years ago the province of Guanacaste annexed to Costa Rican territory, something that is celebrated nationally every July.

    "What not everyone knows is that with that territory came a tradition that was 5000 years old; an art from the pre-columbian era that today is alive thanks to artisans from the Guaitil community, in Guanacaste. But due to the pandemic, their cultural legacy is endangered, being tourism their only income.

    "Searching the perfect way to help, we noticed a certain similarity between some art pieces of this community and the famous KFC Bucket, that’s why we decided to join forces and celebrate them. The Annexation Buckets were born; a 45 bucket collection created by guaitilian artisans, using the ancestral Chorotega technique (Costa Rican indigenous culture) that has been passed generation to generation. The number of buckets correspond to the 45 KFC restaurants around the country where most are going to be exhibit, helping the community’s art to be visible, and finally through a public auction we seek the greater financial support for the Guaitil community."



Murdoch University's Imprint print ad series (three ads from the series below) created with Wunderman Thompson, Perth, Australia.

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diskurso art magazine is an independent, Philippines-based online magazine on art and the arts aiming to veer away from a present mental landscape replete with the customary peacock and weasel words that continue to service the art industry.

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